Topic: Black Panther
Set in the aftermath of the first Black Panther movie (2018) in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this committee explores the fictional nation of Wakanda and its invaluable resource, Vibranium. Known for its unparalleled potency and utility in various fields, Vibranium is a highly coveted yet rare metal, found almost only in Wakanda. Historically, Wakanda thrived under an isolationist approach, not sharing its technology and resources with the outside world. However, there is a growing belief both within Wakanda and the global community that the nation must now open up and engage with the rest of the world.
This shift in perspective was significantly influenced by Erik Killmonger, the former antagonist who briefly claimed Wakanda's throne. Killmonger's radical views sparked a fierce debate on if Wakanda has the right to hoard such a powerful resource. His reign also shed light on the potential benefits and dangers of Vibranium's widespread use. Now, the international community is faced with complex questions on how Vibranium should be regulated.
Delegates, consisting of both Wakandanian leaders and other worldly powers, will discuss if and how Wakanda should share their resources. Furthermore, they will create plans to maximize Vibranium's potential for the greater good, while implementing safeguards against its misuse. The committee's goal is to create a framework that allows for the responsible sharing of Vibranium, fostering international cooperation, and ensuring that its benefits are accessible to all, without threatening global security
Set in the aftermath of the first Black Panther movie (2018) in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, this committee explores the fictional nation of Wakanda and its invaluable resource, Vibranium. Known for its unparalleled potency and utility in various fields, Vibranium is a highly coveted yet rare metal, found almost only in Wakanda. Historically, Wakanda thrived under an isolationist approach, not sharing its technology and resources with the outside world. However, there is a growing belief both within Wakanda and the global community that the nation must now open up and engage with the rest of the world.
This shift in perspective was significantly influenced by Erik Killmonger, the former antagonist who briefly claimed Wakanda's throne. Killmonger's radical views sparked a fierce debate on if Wakanda has the right to hoard such a powerful resource. His reign also shed light on the potential benefits and dangers of Vibranium's widespread use. Now, the international community is faced with complex questions on how Vibranium should be regulated.
Delegates, consisting of both Wakandanian leaders and other worldly powers, will discuss if and how Wakanda should share their resources. Furthermore, they will create plans to maximize Vibranium's potential for the greater good, while implementing safeguards against its misuse. The committee's goal is to create a framework that allows for the responsible sharing of Vibranium, fostering international cooperation, and ensuring that its benefits are accessible to all, without threatening global security
Committee Dais
Hi everyone, my name is Andy and I’m a junior at Phillips Exeter Academy. I’m originally from Seoul, Korea, but recently moved to Boston. I got into Model UN my freshman year, and enjoyed attending conferences like BOSMUN or PEAMUN. It’s always a pleasure to meet new people and make friends from these opportunities, while getting to work with them to discuss and find creative solutions. Aside from MUN, I participate in clubs like debate and choir, and also play water polo and crew. I’m excited to meet all of you, and let’s have a great conference!
My name is Mateo Sandhu and I am a two-year upper (junior) at Phillips Exeter Academy. I am a boarding student from Greenwich, Connecticut, and I use he/him pronouns. I have been to multiple Model UN conferences, including MITMUN and PEAMUN, and won awards at several conferences; however, this is my first time vice-chairing at a PEAMUN conference and my second year participating in Model UN. Besides Model UN, I enjoy water polo, swimming, playing the trumpet, and writing. I also enjoy spending time with friends and family. I can’t wait to work with you all at the upcoming PEAMUN conference!