Topic: Cyber Espionage
Description: The complicated world of cyber espionage will be explored by this years PEAMUN DISEC committee. Delegates will discuss the growing danger presented by state-sponsored actors using digital tools to obtain sensitive information. The objectives of cyber espionage, the techniques used by these actors, the ramifications for international relations and national security, and potential countermeasures will all be examined. Delegates will seek to address this urgent global issue and promote international cooperation to strengthen cybersecurity defenses through diplomatic engagements and policy discussions.
Committee Dais
Abigail Sears (she/her) is currently a junior at Phillips Exeter Academy. She has been participating in Model UN throughout all of middle and high school and most recently attending Harvard Model UN. In her free time she enjoys studying linguistics and languages, world affairs and exploring bookshops.
My name is James Patrick Snyder or more preferably Patrick, Pat, or Paddy—you may use whichever one you like. My pronouns are he, him, his, and I am ready to invest my time into creating one of the best MUN experiences for my committee’s delegates. I am a returning sixteen-year-old Lower in Wentworth from San Antonio, Texas. Depending on the time of year, my hobbies can vary from learning about astronomy, history, and political science to playing lacrosse, bass guitar, and piano–basically I have yet to find an interest that I should pursue. On campus, I am involved with ESSO Spanish and ESSO music and play lacrosse in the Spring. I also attend the Latino alliance club, the young brother society, and of course Model United Nations. My experience participating in MUN comes solely from Exeter. My first conference was at PEAMUN 2022, and I instantly fell in love with the debate and strategic arguments. So, I applied for BOSMUN, got accepted, and participated in the conference with great enthusiasm. However, being a delegate has its limitations; thus, I am excited to expand my MUN knowledge by taking my role as vice chair in general assemblies for PEAMUN 2023.
Hello! My name is Max Mantel. I am a sophomore from California and use he/him pronouns. I joined Model UN at Exeter last school year at the BosMUN Conference, and had a great time competing and learning about parli pro, as well as enjoying the experience. Aside from Model UN, I'm involved with music and theater on campus, as well as some writing. For fun, I enjoy reading, sleeping, being with friends, cooking, and listening to music. I am looking forward to PEAMUN!