Topic: Sokovia Accords
Description: The Sokovia Accords Specialized Committee convenes in 2016 prior to the events of Captain America: Civil War in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Delegates and 'super-human individuals' debate the Sokovia Accords, a UN-drafted legislation intended to regulate the actions of enhanced individuals following the destruction of the country Sokovia during Avengers: Age of Ultron. The committee examines the necessity and potential consequences of implementing these accords.
Committee Dais
Welcome to PEAMUN! My name is Thomas (he/him), and I'm a senior at Phillips Exeter Academy. I'm originally from Weston, MA, but now live in Jackson, WY. I started doing MUN my sophomore year and have attended many conferences, including HMUN and DARTMUN. Additionally, I was a vice-chair last year at PEAMUN. Outside of MUN, academically, I like Math and Chemistry. I'm also the co-head of the UNICEF club at Exeter and a proctor in my dorm. When I'm not on campus, I like to hike and ski. I look forward to chairing this committee and leading this discussion in the fall!
Hello delegates! My name is Ethan Jha, and I am a Senior from Tampa, Florida. Additionally, I use he/him pronouns. I’ve been doing Model UN for the past 2 years, participating in 2 conferences and staffing PEAMUN XIV. Who knows? Maybe one of you experienced delegates might teach me a thing or two for future conferences. Outside of Model UN, I am a head of Exeter’s Geography Club and Tour Guide Program, both of which are a lot of fun! My favorite subjects are math and science, and I am especially passionate about space. My favorite sport is basketball, so I’m always open for a chat about the NBA or a quick game of 1-on-1. While you may have learned some about me, I look forward to meeting and learning more about you in November!
My name is Lucy Jung (she/her) and I am an upper from Seoul, South Korea. I started my Model UN career as a new lower last year. Building off of some prior public speaking experience, I enthusiastically participated in last year’s in-house along with a few other conferences. At Dartmouth Model UN this past spring, I earned Best Delegate of the Hunger Games Specialized Committee and realized how much I enjoyed Specialized Committees. I also noticed how I had participated in Specialized Committees during all of the conferences I attended. Thus, I decided to continue my specialty and help facilitate the in-house this fall! I hope I can help all of you delegates walk away from this conference having found a passion and love for Model UN Specialized, just like I did.